Getting started with manual installation
We're going to install and configure a basic instance of this API
Clone the project
The project use Git and is accessible on Github.
First of all you need to clone the project on your computer.
To contribute on this repository, use a fork:
git clone
To just use the API (to contribute on the frontend repository for example):
git clone
Create a virtual environment
Virtualenv provide isolated Python environments, which are more practical than installing packages systemwide. They also allow installing packages without administrator privileges.
- Create a new virtual environment
virtualenv env
- Active the virtual environment
. env/bin/activate
You need to ensure the virtual environment is active each time you want to launch the project.
Install all requirements
All requirements used by this projects are documented inside the requirements.txt
file at the root of the repository.
You can install all requirements needed by just one commandline.
WARNING : Make sure your virtual environment is active or you will install all these packages systemwide.
pip install -r requirements.txt
Configure the database
Django have a system of database migration, you need to apply all migrations of the project on your database to have the right data schema.
python source/apiVolontaria/ migrate
By default this repository work with a Sqlite3 database which is a technology using a simple file in place of a server. You can change this config in
Test the installation
At the beginning of this step you have a functional local setup. You can control it with the embedded web-server.
python source/apiVolontaria/ runserver
You can now visit the homepage to validate the installation.
Create an administrator
You will need an administrator to:
- Access the django admin panel
- Access the admin panel of the frontend
To create an administrator, just use this command line and respond to some questions.
python source/apiVolontaria/ createsuperuser
Custom settings
If you need to have custom settings on your local environment, you can override global
settings in source/apiVolontaria/apiVolontaria/