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Getting started with Docker


Initialize the project

One command only will allow you to initialize the database, run the migration on it, configure you API, launch your documentation website and allow you to begin use the project:

docker-compose up


This step can take some time on first launch but you should see periodic message to inform you that the work is in progress. Breathe in, breathe out, have a coffee and come back in 2-3 minutes

Create super admin

Since you don't have user the first time you launch the API you will need to execute this command in a separate terminal.

docker-compose run api python source/apiVolontaria/ createsuperuser


If you try to understand this command you can see that we ask docker-compose to run a command on the api image that represent our API in the docker-compose.yml. The command is python source/apiVolontaria/ createsuperuser, the default Django command to create a new superuser. With this technique you can execute other Django commands like migrate, makemigrations, makemessages or even custom command you create to automatise your tasks.


If you want to modify some settings of your Docker image you can just overwrite your .env.docker file with the ENV variable that you want. Differents Django settings are based on ENV variables as you can see in source/apiVolontaria/apiVolontaria/


Take care to not push your confidentials credentials when you push code to our repository or on your open-source forks. You can review your change by using git diff before committing your change.


Try to always use python-decouple to manage your settings and to not directly edit the

Using the services

You can now visit these links to validate the installation:

Do not hesitate to check the API section of this documentation to know how to authenticate yourself with the API and begin asking queries.